Thursday, November 13, 2008

Bubbie Rice

Everyone in my family just calls this "Bubbie rice". We expect it at pretty much any meal she makes (obviously except pessach). It is always completely devoured. No one manages to make it quite like my bubbie, but I am getting better.

Prep time- 5 minutes
Cooking Time- 1 hour
Feeds - a lot. Can be doubled, trippled, or made to feed 300.

Number of things that get dirty- 1
1 large, oven safe container

2 cups rice (Uncle Ben's)
1/4 cup oil
1 tbsp. concentrated chicken powder
3 tablespoons instant onion soup
1 can mushrooms
4 cps water which includes the mushroom juice
2 tbsp soy sauce (or more)

Mix together all ingredients. Place covered in the oven for 1 hour or longer at 325 degrees.